Since 2008, AMA BRASIL has been working to support and promote marine algae, including all aquatic organisms production in continental areas or marine water bodies birth of the ALGAMAR project, effectively producing marine algae as a result of its members and partners. Members of AMA BRASIL and Cooperaqua (Aquaculture Cooperative of the North Coast of São Paulo) together generated a pilot structure to initiate the production of the seaweed species Kappaphycus alvarezii, an exotic plant not found in our ambient. The application for an environmental license for implementation is necessary. The acquisition of seedlings from other producers already certified to sell hails the beginning of the production farms.
AMA BRASIL project will introduce the first cultivation farms within the perimeter of southeastern Brazil authorized by IBAMA and begin with the four cities on the North Coast of São Paulo. Caraguatatuba, Ilhabela, São Sebastião, Ubatuba and later, take the production model to other cities in the South Coast region of Rio de Janeiro, comprising Paraty, Angra dos Reis, Mangaratiba, Itaguaí and the entire perimeter of Sepetiba Bay in the capital, Rio de Janeiro.
The marine farms will be licensed individually, project filed in each location, authorized and implemented in the production units. The project foresees the use of giant bamboo, allowing the integration of two models that were already tested in a single project, mixing the raft system with the long-line system. Details of the project are in the content displayed on this AMA BRASIL Portal, so keep your application updated to receive information and news.