AMA BRASIL and Jamaican singer Marion K sign a partnership to translate this website into English
AMA Brazil regularly informs the society and its members by publishing weekly bulletins and sending a monthly newsletter about the most important events, partnerships, actions, projects, courses, meetings and topics of interest to any person and/or group.
We do not send spam emails, and therefore any interested person must specifically request what information they wish to receive and be authorized to do so, in order to avoid the invasion of privacy and disrespect that are very common nowadays on the Internet and in the electronic media.
AMA Brazil emphasizes the basic principle: respect and privacy! Now!
“Nature has united us into one huge family, and we must live our lives together, helping each other.”
— Seneca
AMA BRASIL, FECAP & JCI Brazil-Japan complete 3 years of the revitalization of 'Largo da Pólvora'
AMA BRASIL subscribes to the formation of 4 new Indigenous Institutions Amazonas and registers them
AMA BRASIL starts licensing of seaweed farms and COOPERAQUA already approves the implantation
AMA BRASIL members participate in the formation of COOPERAQUA and together run the ALGAMAR project
AMA BRASIL supports, assists an subscribes to AMAREDD+ Brasil training and initiates a pilot audit
AMA BRASIL seaweed farms will be licensed on the coast of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro
AMA BRASIL creates its project launch program for the Rouanet Law
AMA BRASIL's Audiovisual Projects submitted for approval by the Rouanet Law
AMA BRASIL puts into practice the ALGAMAR marine algae project on the Southeast Coast
President of AMA BRASIL approves publication of his book with lectures and courses by the Rouanet
President of AMA BRASIL will travel to launch the book in Portugal, Mozambique & Angola
President of AMA BRASIL approves Medium Length Film of the BR-319 and BR-230 highways by the Rouanet
Lara Mattos and president of AMA BRASIL approved by Rouanet the book “Communication is Art”
President of AMA Brazil and Camila Augusto approve by Law Rouanet the Short Film "Camerofobia"
AMA BRASIL's Marine Algae Processes of the ALGAMAR Proj advance speedily with the Federal Government
Expedition of the Film "TRANSAMAZÔNICA & TRANSMANAUS - BR230 E BR319" travels from March to May 2022
AMA BRASIL Tribute to International Women's Day
On the 15th of March celebrates everything except Caiçara Day. Still, they insist.
AMA BRASIL has numerous reasons to celebrate National Aquaculture Day on the 20th of March