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On the 15th of March celebrates everything except Caiçara Day. Still, they insist.

Traditional Caiçara communities repudiate the Caiçara Day commemoration on the 15th of March. Unfortunately, the legislature and the executives continue to ignore this reality since they are not native "Caiçaras".

We can define "Caiçara" in a few ways, and if you look at Wikipedia, you will find the following introduction:

"CAIÇARAS - The traditional inhabitants of the coast of the Southeast and South regions of Brazil are called Caiçaras, formed from the miscegenation between Indians, whites and blacks and who have, in their culture, artisanal fishing, agriculture, hunting, plant extra-activism, handicraft and more recently, ecotourism.

 ETYMOLOGY - The term "caiçara" comes from the Tupi term caá-içara, used to name the "stakes-placed" around tabas or villages and the corral made of tree branches stuck in the water surrounding the fish. In addition, the term "caiçara" is a local name for those communities and individuals who live along the coast of the States of São Paulo, Paraná and Rio de Janeiro."

And there is still a lot of other information, the possibility of consulting Universities across the country, history books, local museums and various forms of research.

We at AMA BRASIL understand that the name "Caiçara" is not limited to the inhabitants of the States of São Paulo, Paraná and Rio de Janeiro. We know that from the Rio Grande do Sul, the municipality baptized as "Caiçara" to Bahia and going up to other coastal states. Many people are "Caiçaras", and even call themselves "Caiçaras", as they are and live according to the traditions that make up this cultural group of colonizers and children of Brazilian beaches. We also understand that the overwhelming majority considering Chuí to Oiapoque is native "Caiçaras" of the seaside.

The traditional "Caiçara’s" communities are founded on Christian colonization and culture, having the feasts of Christ, such as the Folia de Reis, and the observance of Lent as part of their customs. Celebration is not allowed on this day, which caused and still causes repudiation among the "Caiçara" communities and citizens. The laws formulated and the enforcers of these laws, executive, insist on commemorating this date, forcing "Caiçara" Day to be March 15th. It is unacceptable by the native representatives of this culture, as seen in the written Manifesto. It is still ignored and not attended to, even though signed by another 23 institutions and entities that directly represent the "Caiçara" Culture in several municipalities in the country.The mayors and legislators continue to celebrate the date insistently, in disregard of the Open Letter and the Manifesto, as follows:

Manifesto of traditional caiçara communities in repudiation of state law No. 16,290/2016

From: CNCTC – National Coordination of Traditional Caiçara Communities.


"The "Traditional Caiçara Communities, the National Coordination of Traditional Caiçara Communities, Fandango Caiçara Safeguard Committee, National Council for the Sustainable Development of Traditional Peoples and Communities, members of various cultural and artistic groups, among other community organizations, MANIFEST STRONGLY. "Repudiates the state law. Law No. 16,290, of 20/07/2016, provides for the inclusion in the State Tourist Calendar, The Caiçara Culture Week in the Baixada Santista region, Vale do Ribeiro and other municipalities. The municipal legislation voted the date of March 15th or other dates in the Lenten period as the day of the caiçara" without prior consultation.

Understanding the importance of specific legislation and without undermining the initiative, we request that the law that provides for the week and day of the Caiçara culture March 15 during Lent be revised as they do not represent the legitimate interest of the Caiçara population. We also request that communities be heard and accepted as protagonists in these projects that concern them and affect them directly.”

Regarding the laws that establish the day and week of the caiçara culture, revisions are necessary. The disrespect is shown to our culture since the date March 15 on which the Caiçara Day and the Caiçara Culture Week is celebrated in the municipalities and state of São Paulo DO NOT REPRESENT US AS TRADITIONAL CAIÇARA COMMUNITIES.

Remarkably, the date stipulated does not have the consent of the Caiçara communities in various municipalities. We, therefore, understand that the dates on which such actions demonstrate the Caiçara culture end up not representing this segment, given the laws establishing a period of commemoration that coincides with Lent. Lent is a period in which traditional culture imposes some restrictions on the performance of some customs related to the sea, forest, food, hunting, fishing, and even on the Fandango Caiçara, which is considered an Immaterial Brazilian heritage. It does not occur during these days, being held only between Easter and Carnival.

When we manifested against the period of commemoration day and week of the Caiçara culture established by law, we affirmed that the Caiçara culture wants no change, respecting its secular tradition, regardless of the cultural market and its capitalist impositions.

As a result of the disrespect for the Caiçara traditions, we cannot present the manifestations of our culture, where the very objectives of the above mentioned Caiçara Culture Week are authenticity and self-identification. Demonstrating the new without neglecting the traditions of a people who maintain their resistance is affected and not fulfilled.

When sanctioning these laws, the legislature and executive did not consider,

The Federal Constitution of 1988, which recognizes the cultural rights of Brazil and protects Articles 215 and 216, the material and immaterial heritage built and practiced by the various groups that make up the Brazilian multiethnic State, disregarding cultural customs fixed, contrary to the older to younger, something that goes against the customary rights and ways of being, living, celebrating, existing."

"Decree No. 6.040/2007 conceptualizes and specifies that traditional peoples and communities are culturally differentiated groups and recognize themselves as such, have their forms of social organization, occupy and use territories and natural resources as a condition for their cultural, social, religious, ancestral and economic reproduction, use knowledge, innovations and practices generated and transmitted by tradition." A definition with which the Caiçara Communities identify themselves."

The registration of Fandango Caiçara by IPHAN through process nº 01450.014268/2008-59 on the 29th 11 2012, supports the non-demonstration of Fandango Caiçara during the Lent period (Ash Wednesday to Easter) due to religious beliefs of the Caiçara communities.

Consulting the representatives designated by the communities and recognized by Decree No. 8,750/2016 regulates the National Council of Traditional Peoples and Communities, expressly ensuring representation to the Caiçara segment in this space.

Brazil is a Signatory to Free, prior and informed consultation, disregarding CONVENTION 169 of the ILO (International Labor Organization).

As a result of this, such date and the regulation that it tries to implement has no cultural validity because it deals with a cultural aspect and does not understand it as a whole. The statute loses its meaning of existence because of its conflicting content of origin.


Create a commission to review municipal legislation, also in São Paulo, which establish the caiçara day and the Caiçara culture week in Lent, with the participation of representatives appointed by the communities, State and national representative institutions. Institute discussions for the proposal of a new date to celebrate the day and week of the Caiçara culture in the municipalities solidly representing the manifestation of the communities, respecting the specificities of each municipal, but which at the state level represent the entire Caiçara territory.

With this manifesto, we supplicate support of the legislative and executive of the municipalities and the State for possible solutions."

-National Council for the Sustainable Development of Traditional Peoples and Communities, CNPCT /BR

-Traditional Communities of Ilhabela Archipelago – Ilhabela/SP

-Association for the Preservation and Recovery of the Atlantic Forest “already inhabited”, PROMATO /SP

-Association of the Remnants of the Quilombo Community of Caçandoca, Ubatuba/SP

- Movement of Artisanal Fishermen of the Coast of Paraná, MOPEAR/PR

-Union of Residents of Juréia, UMJ, Iguape-Peruíbe/SP

-Traditional Communities Forum, FTC, Angra dos Reis/Paraty/Ubatuba, SP/RJ

-Cirandeiro Group of Paraty, Paraty/RJ

-Group Ciranda de Tarituba, Cultural Recreational and Folklore Association of Tarituba,


-Group Manema, Peruíbe and Iguape/SP

-Fandango Caiçara Group from Ubatuba, Ubatuba/SP

-Fandangueira generation of the Prelate, Iguape/SP

-Association Amigos Rowers of Canoa Caiçara, AARCCA, Ubatuba/SP

-Mandicuéra Association of Popular Culture, Mandicuéra, Paranaguá/PR

-Fandanguará Group, Guaraqueçaba/PR

-Tempered Canutilho Group, Guaraqueçaba/PR

-Group Raízes Fandangueiras of Superagui, Guaraqueçaba/PR

-Chão Caiçara Association, São Sebastião/SP

-Association Amigos de Bairro do Portinho, Ilhabela/SP

-The Garoçá, Peruíbe/SP

Save the Caiçara Day, 365 days a year, always outside Carnival and Lent, celebrate with viola, fiddle bonfire, wood stove and lots of fish and seafood, while respecting Christian traditions and Caiçara traditions.

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